Kriszta Kovács, Mattias Kumm and I held our two-day online workshop „Constitutionalism Beyond the State and the Role of Domestic Constitutional Courts: Solange – 50th Anniversary“ this Thursday and Friday, which attracted interest from all continents (except Antarctica) – it was, at least from our point of view, a really successful and exciting event. Francesco Saitto (Rom) Jakob Gašperin Wischhoff (Berlin), Marcin Barański (Berlin), Michael Kalis (Greifswald), Anna-Lena Priebe (Greifswald), Max Steuer (O.P. Jindal Global University, India), Sarah Geiger (Hamburg), Niels Graaf (Amsterdam), Eleonora Mesquita Ceia (Rio de Janeiro), Nik de Boer (Amsterdam), and Julian Scholtes (Glasgow) presented their enriching and well-written working papers, which were excellently commented by Monica Claes (Maastricht), Lars Viellechner (Bremen), Eyal Benvenisti (Cambridge), and Daniel Halberstam (Michigan). The discussions were challenging and stimulating – I learned many new perspectives on the Solange-case law of the German Federal Constitutional Court. Many thanks for this to all participants!