I am a legal scholar with interests in national, European and public international law.
I am currently a visiting professor at European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) in Germany. I recently submitted my habilitation thesis, supported by a prestigious grant from the German Research Foundation (DFG), on “Non-Judicial Rights Review”.
I have authored several books and articles that were published, amongst others, in the American Journal of International Law, European Journal of International Law, International Journal of Constitutional Law, New York University Journal of International Law & Politics, Common Market Law Review, Cambridge University Press, and Oxford University, and the two leading German law journals (Archiv des Öffentlichen Rechts and Der Staat). My dissertation, which was awarded a Europe-wide dissertation prize by the European Law Faculties Association, analyzes the role of constitutional courts beyond the state.
I have studied law and politics in Berlin, Paris, and New York and spent extended research stays at Yale, Harvard, and NYU.