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Election campaign of the machines, Methodology Public Law: Mock exam in public law

Andrej Lang
in: JURA 2021 (forthcoming, in German)
Publication year: 2021

Free movement of persons in the WTO and in regional integration communities beyond Europe (in German)

Book Chapter
Andrej Lang & Christian Tietje
in: Armin Hatje/Peter-Christian Müller-Graff/Ferdinand Wollenschläger (eds.), Enzyklopädie des Europarechts, Vol. XI, European area of free movement - EU citizenship and migration law, § 17, Baden-Baden 2020 (forthcoming in German)
Publication year: 2020

Judicial Dialogue in European constitutional pluralism: Constitutional identity as a building block of a common European constitutional law (in German)

Book Chapter
Andrej Lang
in: Péter Darák/Hanno Kube/ Fruzsina Molnár-Gábor/ Ekkehart Reimer (eds.), Judicial Dialogue at the national and the European level in Germany and Hungary (forthcoming, in German)
Publication year: 2020

Comparative and Empirical Insights into Judicial Practice: Towards an Integrative Model of Proportionality

Book Chapter
Andrej Lang, Talya Steiner & Mota Kremnitzer
in: Kremnitzer/Steiner/Lang (Hrsg.), Proportionality in Action: Comparative and Empirical Perspectives on the Judicial Practice (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge Studies in Constitutional Law)
Publication year: 2020

Constitutional Adjudication in the Networked World Order. Structures of Judicial Law-making in Inter-Order Judicial Networks (in German)

Andrej Lang
Constitutional Adjudication in the Networked World Order. Structures of Judicial Law-making in Inter-Order Judicial Networks (in German), 2020, Heidelberg i.a.: Springer Verlag (Series of publications: „Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht“ , Bd. 293), 646 pages. (Ph.D. Thesis)
Publication year: 2020

Introduction: Analyzing Proportionality Comparatively and Empirically

Book Chapter
Andrej Lang, Talya Steiner & Mota Kremnitzer
in: Kremnitzer/Steiner/Lang (eds.), Proportionality in Action: Comparative and Empirical Perspectives on the Judicial Practice (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge Studies in Constitutional Law), p. 1-21
Publication year: 2020

‘No light fare‘: The German Constitutional Court holds the ECB accountable. (in German)

Andrej Lang
on Verfassungsblog, May 6th 2020
Publication year: 2020

Proportionality Analysis by the German Federal Constitutional Court

Book Chapter
Andrej Lang
in: Kremnitzer/Lang/Steiner (eds.), Proportionality in Action: Comparative and Empirical Perspectives on the Judicial Practice (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge Studies in Constitutional Law).
Publication year: 2020

Proportionality in Action: Comparative and Empirical Perspectives on the Judicial Practice

Mota Kremnitzer, Andrej Lang & Talya Steiner
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge Studies in Constitutional Law 2020, 638 pages
Publication year: 2020

The (Non-)Applicability of the Monetary Gold Principle in ICSID Arbitration Concerning Matters of EU Law

Book Chapter
Andrej Lang & Christian Tietje
in: Stefan Huber/ Christoph Benicke (eds.), National, International, Transnational: Harmonischer Dreiklang im Recht. Festschrift für Herbert Kronke zum 70. Geburtstag, Bielefeld, Gieseking Verlag 2020, 1607–1620.
Publication year: 2020

Community Interests in World Trade Law

Book Chapter
Andrej Lang & Christian Tietje
Community Interests Across International Law (E. Benvenisti/G. Nolte, eds. Oxford University Press, 2018), 191–220
Publication year: 2018

Network Enforcement Act and Free Speech. Regulating private Internet-Intermediaries in Combating Hate Speech (in German)

Andrej Lang
Archiv des Öffentlichen Rechts 143 (2018), 220–250
Publication year: 2018

Regime Collision between EU Law and Investment Law: New Developments in the Vattenfall Case

Andrej Lang
Verfassungsblog, Sept 12th 2018
Publication year: 2018

The Autonomy of EU Law and the Future of Investor-State Dispute Settlement in Europe after Achmea (in German)

Andrej Lang
Beiträge zum Transnationalen Wirtschaftsrecht, Heft 156, Halle 2018, 63 pages
Publication year: 2018

The Autonomy of EU Law and the Future of Investor-State Dispute Settlement in Europe after Achmea (in German)

Andrej Lang
Europarecht 53 (2018), 525-560 (in German).
Publication year: 2018

Autonomy „above all“: A Critique of the ECJ’s Achmea-Judgment

Andrej Lang
JuWissBlog 2018/3/16,
Publication year: 2018

Book Review (in German) of Larry Barnett, Explaining Law. Macrosociological Theory and Empirical Evidence, Leiden 2015

Book Review
Andrej Lang
Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie 37 (2017), 381–389
Publication year: 2017

Constitutional Legitimacy and Constitutional Moments (in German)

Book Chapter
Andrej Lang
Prerequisits of Law (M. Abraham et. al., eds. Steiner Publishing 2016), ARSP-Beiheft 150 (2016), 131-141 (in German)
Publication year: 2016

The European Court of Justice and Investor-State-Dispute-Settlement in TTIP and CETA: Between Confrontation, Constitutionalization and Restraint (in German)

Book Chapter
Andrej Lang
Free Trade vs. Democracy: Foundation of Transnational Legitimacy (S. Buszewski et. al., eds. Nomos 2016), 83-110 (in German)
Publication year: 2016

Contesting the Notion of "The Last Word": Constitutional Courts as Guides (in German)

Book Chapter
Andrej Lang
The Last Word ‐ Lawmaking and Judicial Review in a Democracy (D. Elser eds. Nomos 2014), 15-37 (in German)
Publication year: 2014

Confrontation, constitutionalization, restraint

Andrej Lang
in: JuWissBlog, April 21, 2015,
Publication year: 2015